Thursday, July 23, 2009


  1. Because I obviously have nothing to do except lie in bed, doing nothing, knowing that I’m not gonna be here for at least a month even if I go to family retreat, I will post random facts about myself. Let us make it a hundred, just for the special occasion, hm? By the by, these are in no particular order, they’re just what come in my mind first. *I edited number four, 18, and 34, because I was being sort of stupid then.

    1. I currently want a camera.
    2. I am on Yahoo IM talking to my cousin Kyle at this very second.
    3. We are currently slightly arguing about his Facebook account that he had made to be in a relationship with Devonne Lovato and his friend with benefits Gemma.
    4. I don’t really use my e-mail.
    5. I like apples, but not onions, too bad they taste the same when you plug your nose.
    6. I have formed a love for blogging.
    7. I think too much and usually my thoughts make me happy but in the end they make me sort of sad because I know that my thoughts are never going to actually happen. And most of my thoughts end up being suspicions, just like the old times. Maybe I should stop thinking as much, but then it feels like it would take away my ability to wonder about the world in a different way. Boy, this is a long fact.
    8. When I get excited I usually lose myself and end up being sort of on the selfish side like at this moment. I am really sorry God.
    9. At least every day, I log in to Facebook. Is it that bad?
    10. School is starting next week. Oh, joy.
    11. I have a deep love for drawing. I do it a lot. I might post one or two things I have made here, but they’re not really that awesome.
    12. I am currently listening to All Time Low.
    13. I really do want to try to fix things.
    14. These are not really facts, huh? It looks like I’m putting my feelings behind numbers. Here’s one: I like car rides with two people more than three, but it really just depends what people there are.
    15. I cannot choose which one I like more: glasses or contacts.
    16. I finally realized school is not everything, but it is something.
    17. I am a Christian. God is my love.
    18. I know, I’m pretty annoying sometimes.
    19. I tend to swear a lot in my head, I am currently trying not to.
    20. I do not like the fact that I have a year round school.
    21. A couple people have said I have changed a lot since last year. It feels like it. Have I really?
    22. I really thank God for coming into my life. What the heck would I be doing right now if I did not realize that before?
    23. I am only at twenty three, huh? I like to dream a lot.
    24. I have always wondered what I myself was going to feel when I was around 20ish.
    25. I hope my friends do not go away any time soon but nothing is eternal so I might as well cherish these moments.
    26. I have always wanted to live in San Francisco, ever since I was in kindergarten.
    27. Has begun to extremely dislike planes.
    28. Has also been scared of airport security.
    29. Was thinking of calling someone while waiting at the airport for two hours.
    30. I really do love you, lola.
PT 2.
  1. I like potato chips yet I do not like them.
  2. I am sensitive. Yet I always find a way to trick myself when I get hurt, make me think it was all a pure and simple joke. Like an experiment. That scientist part of me takes ahold of me too much.
  3. I have the best cousins ever.
  4. I really wish I could find a “right” church for me back at home.
  5. I am researching churches right now. I want help. Where is Carlsbad?
  6. I often wonder if I am incomprehensibly smart or blind and obviously dumb.
  7. I have an alligator head in my room. A real one.
  8. I used to have a fear of roller coasters but it’s all good now.
  9. Trusting people wholly is sort of a new thing for me.
  10. I don’t know why I just made that bold font. Maybe to make a point?
  11. It surprised me when Tyler Perry’s “Madea Goes To Jail” was not entirely comedy.
  12. I love Hayao Miyazaki’s movies.
  13. I used to play Guitar Hero III a lot. Not proud that I can play extreme.
  14. I really only pick up my Bible once or twice a week. I really am ashamed of myself. I should do it more.
  15. I fail at things a lot.
  16. I often wonder if I am crazy or not.
  17. I like popcorn, ramen, and Hong Kong Style Noodles.
  18. I dissected a frog once and it seemed dull to me.
  19. When I say something stupid and I notice, it leaves another idiot stamp on my forehead, along with the hundreds of other ones. Like Liana, “If it takes you a long time to get over my words, it will take me even longer.” (I don’t think I quoted that correctly)
  20. I wish that someone would notice that side of me.
  21. I am half filipino and half white.
  22. I sort of think the Jonas Brothers are okay. I don't really care for them much, though.
  23. Rock, Christian Rock, Alternative, Pop.
  24. I am currently reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
  25. I want earrings but I don't have my ears pierced.
  26. I currently have five working game systems.
  27. I dislike sand to some extent.
  28. I live around seven miles from Mexico.
  29. I have a BlackBerry.
  30. I currently am getting worked up over Tumblr but Blogger is fine as well.
PT. 3.
  1. I prefer facebook over myspace.
  2. I like the color blue.
  3. I tend to forget pretty much everything in general. A lot.
  4. My room is messy due to my cousins' presence and I really want to clean it right now.
  5. I am pretty much used to both hot and cold weather.
  6. I am right handed.
  7. I don't like running.
  8. I don't care much for Hollister, but apparently my friends don't like it so I guess it isn't that nice.
  9. I am a fatty. HA.
  10. I really want a funnel cake at this moment.
  11. I have been trying to keep up A and B average in school.
  12. People say I would not have even a tiny chance in the ghetto.
  13. I took beginning spanish, and forgot pretty much all of it.
  14. I guess I am seeing pandas at the zoo tomorrow.
  15. I have never gotten a manicure or pedicure. I should get one.
  16. I haven't been to the dentist in around a year and a half.
  17. My hopes and dreams for the future? Not really sure of them yet.
  18. Apparently we are not supposed to run with Converse.
  19. I despise watching the news.
  20. Anime and manga are a big point to me.
  21. I used to live in Guam.
  22. I really want to ride a roller coaster right now.
  23. I would want my life to be like an anime character's for at least one day.
  24. I want to play guitar.
  25. A BMX bike sounds awesome.
  26. I used to love Pokemon with a burning passion.
  27. Staying at hotels are fun.
  28. I once went snorkeling and saw a barracuda.
  29. I have a wart on my hand.
  30. Sometimes I wonder if I secretly have ADD because my attention span is really small most of the time.
  31. I often dream subconsciously of what it would like if I was drunk.
  32. Finishing things is hard for me.
  33. I am a neat freak but I am too lazy to get up and make things neat.
  34. South Park and Fresh Prince.
  35. I tend to speak in large words sometimes.
  36. AIM is starting to get on my nerves a little bit. No, scratch that, my entire computer is.
  37. I like the journey more than the destination when it comes to long car rides.
  38. I wish there was a like button on everything.
  39. A BlackBerry is not that complicated if you spend some time with it.
  40. I don't know what the last one should be, but it should go off with a bang. Let's just leave it as it is for now, hm?
Okay, I am done with this list. 100.

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