Thursday, June 11, 2009

Okay, so...

I was going to save this post for tomorrow when school ended, but, it wouldn't really matter anyway. It's been a nice school year. Lots of ups and downs. Wait, not downs, but rather, blessings in disguise.
Many things happened this year.
I've changed. A lot.
At least, I'd like to think that.
Ever since I sincerely accepted God, my heart felt nice. Nice? I can't really explain it any other way than that extremely vague way of translating it. Nice.
Overwhelming, yet extremely nice.
Filled, instead of empty.
Content. Happy. I couldn't really say these words could even come close to describing my heart ever since it happened.
It's a much greater feeling.
Even though I moved schools, family issues occurred, and had a vague feeling of "home"sickness every time I went to bed, I still felt nice.
I had finally found a purpose to go on. Not good grades, or to have a nice million dollar house when I grow up, but God.
I love this feeling.
Praying is an enjoyment, not a chore. I have come to love talking to God.
Thanking him for my blessings, and although he probably already knows, telling him about what happened in the day and how I felt about it.
I regularly pray now.
A year ago, I never even thought about God, or about any other people other than myself.
I thought everyone had a purpose for themselves in everything they did. A motive.
I was so foolish.
I know.
I learned to love that one day, though.
August 23rd, 2008.
I was aware of God before then, and slightly applying it, but that day was when it all happened.
It's an indescribable feeling! A feeling so great, that there are no words to describe it.
It puts me at peace just thinking of that incredible moment.
I love all the people I've met. And you know who you are. (Because you know me, and that's why you're probably reading this.)
I've learned to open up to people, and become less shy.
(I've had a few problems with that in the past, even now, but not as much.)
I've moved again, but I met a lot of new friends, and still have access (bad way to word it) to my old ones, unlike last time.
I felt like I've grown up a lot during this year, and yet, I'm still a selfish little kid in a way.
I say wrong things every single day of my life. My actions aren't always so good.
But, with God, I'll continue to be a stronger person, living through these blessings in disguise.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, you blog has made me tear up because your life encourages me. :)

    I'm actually starting to read my Bible everyday now because of summer. Proverbs is very good book. When I was younger my Dad used to read to us one chapter of Proverbs everyday...I never understood until maybe a few year ago...Well, there's 31 days in a month right? But also 31 chapters of Proverbs. So! I think you should start reading a chapter a day with me too. :D

