I have been
for the past
two or three days.
I can't really remember which.
I've only really watched movies from Hayao Miyazaki, though.
He's a real genius man.
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
Kiki's Delivery Service
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
(part of)Grave of Fireflies
Princess Mononoke
(most of)My Neighbor Totoro
(and currently watching)The Girl who Leapt Through Time
That's pretty much all I've watched so far.
I'll have plenty of opportunities to watch the rest of his movies (I've probably only gone through around half) through the next week, because I really can't go anywhere outside of the neighborhood because I can't drive.
I love his movies.
A lot.
They're nice.
And they deserve more publicity in the USA.
How did I come across these?
Well, when I was a tiny little kid, I remember watching Kiki's Delivery Service.
Then, when I was six (or seven) I watched Spirited Away in theaters.
And in fifth grade or so I came across Howl's Moving Castle on DVD at my friend's house.
And was obsessed with it for a couple days -
Then dropped it.
Couple months ago, I became obsessed again during my spring break.
Then I dropped it.
Now, it's summer, and I'm yet watching more of Studio Ghibli's movies.
Anyway, that was probably heartbreakingly boring to read.
My point is?
If you ever have the time,
go and check one out.
I suggest starting out with Spirited Away.
They're really beautiful.
And, they're easy to find if you look in the right places.
I am currently done with this post of obsession.
Oh my gosh! I love Hayao Miyazaki! :D
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little I watched (and this year)
Kiki's Delivery Service
My Neighbor Totoro
And then last summer I watched
Spirited Away
Laputa: Castle in the Sky (most of it anyway)
Princess Monokoke
I read the manga for "The Girl Who Leapt through Time" it was pretty good, and when I heard about it being a movie I wanted to watch...but I haven't had time since I have to finish this list my friend gave me of anime and manga. So I haven't watched the other Hayao Miyazaki films yet either..
Wow, we are very similar. That's cool though! You can almost be like a mini-me! Lol. No, there can only be one Liana and one Kimmy Moreee! aha.
By the way, I'm pretty sure I'll like Pan's Labyrinth. I like fantasy type things...
If anime is for nerds then we can be proud nerds together! Aha.
ReplyDeleteBut I know some really cool people who like anime...some kids in CGCF and in my current youth group like anime..they're not nerds. So don't be discouraged! (If you are, but personally, nerds are pretty cool anyway)
Pan's Labyrinth is rated R? hmm..that means I'm going to watch it during the day time in the living room where I won't get scared.
I really liked the Girl Who Leapt through Time manga, it almost made me cry...I love those girly romance stories. Aha. I'm such a sucker for romance...hopeless romantic. haha. Bokura ga Ita is a kind of slow anime...But I like it, because it's more realistic. And the realistic romances in anime and manga I end up liking the most. But the protagonist is really annoying me right now! She cries too much! And I'm getting sick of her. lol. Because...ergh! Yeah...I definitely need more hobbies. :D
Obsessed with lotion?
ReplyDeleteYou have a strange school...
but I actually ask for lotion everyday during P.E. so maybe not so strange...
I have yahoo and msn. I don't really go on aim anymore.
thinksimplicity@ yahooo! :D
ReplyDeleteI've never grown up with all boys...I've always been surrounded by girls. I wish I could've had a balance, I would probably be a lot stronger and (maybe) courageous. Sometimes we as girls don't try enough 'cause we're afraid. But that's just the way I see it. How was life on your island? I forgot that you lived on one before you mentioned it.